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Natalie's handstand blocks made of walnut / beech

Natalie's handstand blocks made of walnut / beech

Regular price €90,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €90,00 EUR
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Handstand blocks made of fine wood

Discover the world of handstands with these blocks designed by Natalie Reckert.

The special shape provides noticeable relief for your wrists. Unlike continuously slanted blocks, the shape corresponds exactly to the ergonomics of your hand. Where the heels of your hands rest you have a level surface. The slope in the finger area relieves the tendons in your wrists much better than on a rectangular block.

Three different sizes allow you to choose perfectly fitting blocks for your hand size.

The combination of dark walnut wood and light beech wood makes the blocks unique.

Anti-slip pads on the bottom ensure a secure and stable stand on a wide variety of surfaces.


Combination of dark walnut wood and light beech wood


Size S = 9 x 12 cm

Size M = 10 x 13 cm

Size L = 11 x 14 cm

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Which is the right size

Place your hand flat. Measure the width of your hand at the height of your knuckles (see picture)

Hand width up to 8 cm = size S

Hand width 8 - 9 cm = size M

Hand width over 9 cm = size L

Natalie Reckert ist Handstandartistin mit Sitz in London. Nach einer Karriere als Sportakrobatin absolvierte sie eine Zirkusausbildung am National Center for Circus Arts, lernte danach zeitgenössischen Tanz und studierte. Sie ist Autoren-Artistin und entwickelt eigene Stücke. Parallel unterrichtet sie Handstandartistik und betreibt einen Youtube Kanal mit unzähligen Handstand Lehrvideos.

Gemeinsam mit dem Akrobatikshop hat Natalie eine Serie von Handstandprodukten entwickelt. Insbesondere hat Natalie Handstandblöcke designed, welche die Handgelenke sehr effektiv entlasten.

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